DOT Week 2025: What You Should Know

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) has announced that the annual International Roadcheck inspection – aka DOT Week or DOT Blitz Week – will take place from May 13-15, 2025. This event is designed to ensure that commercial vehicles and their drivers are in compliance with federal regulations and that they are operating safely on the roads.

DOT Week 2025 Overview:

  • When: Tuesday, May 13 through Thursday, May 15, 2025
  • Where: Across the United States, Canada, and Mexico at weigh stations, designated inspection areas and along roadways.
  • FocusTires and false records of duty status.

What is DOT Week?

The CVSA International Roadcheck – DOT Week – is a 72-hour event that takes place across the United States, Canada, and Mexico. It’s the largest targeted enforcement program on commercial motor vehicles in the world. During this 72-hour period, inspectors from the CVSA will be conducting inspections on nearly 15 trucks per minute to ensure that they are in compliance with federal regulations related to safety, hours of service, and other key areas.

The focus of the International Roadcheck changes each year, and the focus for the 2025 event will be on two areas:

1. Driver Focus Area

  • Hours-of-Service (HOS) Compliance: Ensuring drivers adhere to regulations that limit driving hours and mandate rest breaks to prevent fatigue-related crashes.
  • Accurate Record Keeping: Verifying that drivers maintain accurate logs (RODS) of their driving activity, including duty status.
  • Driver Document Checks: Inspecting driver’s licenses, medical certificates, drug and alcohol clearinghouse status, and seat belt usage.
  • Impairment Checks: Detecting alcohol or drug impairment.

2. Vehicle Focus Area

  • Tire Safety: Checking tire tread depth, inflation, and for damage (leaks, cuts, bulges).
  • Comprehensive Vehicle Inspections: Examining critical components like brakes, cargo securement, lighting, steering, and suspension.
  • Passenger Vehicle Specifics: Inspecting emergency exits, seating, and electrical systems in passenger vehicles.

What Can Truckers Expect During DOT Week?

During the International Roadcheck, truckers can expect a higher level of scrutiny from law enforcement officials. Inspectors will be on the lookout for any violations of federal regulations related to commercial vehicles and their drivers. Truckers can expect a North American Standard Level I Inspection, which the CVSA describes as “a thorough 37-step inspection procedure consisting of the examination of vehicle components and driver documentation and requirements”. Inspectors will focus on both driver and vehicle safety compliance, and some of the most common violations that are targeted during the International Roadcheck include:

  • Hours of Service violations: Inspectors will be looking to ensure that drivers are complying with federal regulations related to driving and rest periods.
  • Equipment violations: Inspectors will be checking to ensure that commercial vehicles are in good working condition and that all required safety equipment is present and functioning properly. Remember this year’s focus is on tires and false records of duty status.
  • Drug and Alcohol violations: Inspectors will be checking to ensure that drivers are not operating commercial vehicles while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
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How Can Truckers Best Prepare?

To best prepare for the International Roadcheck, truckers should make sure that their vehicles are in good working condition and that they are in compliance with federal regulations. This can include ensuring that all required safety equipment is present and functioning properly, checking brakes and tires for wear and tear, and ensuring that all required documentation is up to date.

Anticipate Delays

Be prepared for potential delays during the International Roadcheck. With a higher level of inspections taking place, it’s likely that there will be longer wait times at weigh stations and other inspection sites. Plan accordingly and make sure you have enough supplies, such as food and water, to last through any potential delays.

Get Enough Sleep

Make sure that you are well-rested and prepared for the event. Inspectors will be looking for signs of driver fatigue, so it’s important to get enough rest before and during the International Roadcheck.

Be Patient

No one wants to go through these inspections, but while the inspections can be time-consuming, they are an important part of ensuring that everyone on the roads remains safe. By remaining patient and cooperating with inspectors, you can help ensure that the inspection process goes smoothly and that any potential safety risks are addressed promptly.


In conclusion, the International Roadcheck is an important event for truckers and commercial drivers. By understanding what to expect and how to prepare, truckers can ensure that they are in compliance with federal regulations and can avoid potential violations and penalties. Remember, safety on the roads is everyone’s responsibility, and the International Roadcheck is an important part of ensuring that our highways and byways remain safe for all.

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